FlatFoot Surgery Complications

What are the risks of flatfoot surgical correction? The feet are an amazing collections of bones and ligaments that support a large amount of weight over a long period of time, but for many individuals, their feet may fail. One condition that adults commonly suffer is “flatfoot” which occurs when the arch of the foot…

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Foot Is Still Swollen Six Weeks After Bunion Surgery

Getting a bunion removed (having a bunionectomy) can be a painful but necessary medical procedure. Swelling after surgery is common, but if your foot is still swollen for more than six weeks after your bunion removal surgery, your podiatrist may have committed medical malpractice.  What Are Common Ways to Help a Foot Heal After Bunion…

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Diabetic Foot Ulcers – Should You Have Surgery?

It has been reported that as many as 15% of diabetics will develop a foot ulcer in their life and about 85% of lower leg amputations in diabetics arise from foot ulcers.  Diabetes, and foot ulcers, are a very large component of medical complications not just in the United States but around the world. The…

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The Importance of a Successful Recovery After Bunion Surgery

Bunion surgery is ideal for those who want to alleviate the pain and discomfort this common foot deformity brings. However, complications, protracted discomfort, or even the requirement for more corrective surgeries can result from a poorly managed recovery. Could you be the victim of medical malpractice? Why Recovery After Bunion Surgery Is Crucial A misaligned…

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Toe Drift After Bunion Surgery – Do I Have a Claim?

Getting bunion surgery can be painful — but when it’s done correctly, it can change your life for the better. However, sometimes, things go wrong. Not every failed bunionectomy is caused by malpractice. Some failed surgeries of this type are the result of patient-related factors. In other cases, the surgeon may have overcorrected the problem…

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Bunion Surgery Led to Fusion

If you’re a patient who had bunion surgery, only for it to fail, you may be wondering if you have any legal recourse against the podiatrist who botched your surgery. Lawrence M. Karam, P.C. is a firm dedicated to helping victims in New York’s Five Boroughs, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties recover compensation for their…

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What Are the Complications of Lapidus Surgery?

Among the most overlooked parts of the human body are your feet. Your feet carry your weight, propel you forward at a walk or a run, and help keep your body aligned. With everything your feet do daily, it is no wonder they can suffer painful and deforming conditions like bunions. Bunions are painful, bony…

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Failed Bunion Surgery

Bunion surgery, while it may seem a welcome solution to the discomfort and deformity caused by bunions, sometimes results in failure. This failure may manifest relatively soon after the operation, leaving patients bewildered and dismayed. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for bunion surgeries to fail; in some cases, the failure may be the result of medical…

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Why Foot Health Is So Important

Though often overlooked, foot health is a critical aspect of overall well-being. Most podiatrists, the healthcare professionals specializing in foot care, are highly skilled and provide excellent services. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that podiatric malpractice, though rare, can lead to catastrophic outcomes. In such unfortunate circumstances, an experienced podiatry malpractice attorney like Larry…

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