Case No. 1

The Right foot had a bunion correction.  The head of the first metatarsal was not correctly aligned by the podiatrist – it is pointing toward the second toe/metatarsal.  The big toe slipped off of the metatarsal.

Case No. 2

Here, the Left bunion completely destroyed the functioning of the big toe.   The first metatarsal is extremely short (surgical error) and the joint is not even (congruent – also a surgical error).

Case No. 3

The head of the first metatarsal was shifted too much (B) causing the big toe to drift away from the foot (A) which is called Hallux Varus.

Case No. 4

In this arthroplasty procedure on the 5th toes, excessive bone was removed(a) leaving the toes deformed and overly short (b).

Case No. 5

This patient had both bunions fixed and some of her other toes as well.  The result was a hallux varus on both big toes, more noticeable on her left foot.   Hallux varus – when the big toe angles away from the foot – happens when bone is shifted too much in order to correct a bunion deformity.  When this occurs it is usually due to a surgical error.  See next Case which shows her right foot with the big toe and second toe not touching the ground (lack of purchase).

Case No. 6

This is the same patient as in the previous Case.  Notice that her big toe and second toe do not touch the ground.  This is the result of surgical error.   When toes do not touch the ground podiatrists call this “lack of purchase.”   The toes need to touch the ground (and move up and down) to walk properly and without pain.