Doctor bandaging patients leg in hospital after bunion surgery

Why Your Bunions Could Reoccur After Foot Surgery

Bunions, the bony protrusions at the base, and at times the top, of the big toe joint, can be painful as well as unsightly. Some individuals find the discomfort and deformity of bunions unbearable and opt to have them surgically removed. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for patients to discover, after enduring painful surgery and a lengthy recovery period, that their bunions are “growing” back. 

If you have had this devastating experience and feel betrayed by your podiatrist, now is the time to get in touch with The Law Firm of Lawrence M. Karam, P.C., a top New York attorney who specializes in podiatric malpractice. 

Larry has been fighting aggressively for the rights of victims of medical negligence for decades and has an impressive record of successful outcomes. Contact him now for a free consultation to determine whether you have a viable claim. If so, he will work tirelessly to recover meaningful compensation and will charge you no attorney’s fee until he wins your case.

How a Bunion Can “Grow” Back

Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. One primary reason is the failure to address the underlying biomechanical issues that led to the bunion’s formation in the first place. Bunions are more likely to recur if the bunion surgery was simply shaving down the bone, as opposed to realigning the bones of the foot.  The bony bump may be gone but the mis-aligned bones remain and new bone starts to form where the bump was removed.

If the podiatrist did realign the bones it may not have been done correctly or sufficiently.  That too can lead to bunion-like pain which is not from a bony bump but from a mal-aligned joint.

Additionally, inadequate surgical techniques or incomplete removal of bony protrusions during surgery can leave the door open for regrowth. Also, lifestyle factors such as wearing ill-fitting shoes or putting excessive stress on the feet can exacerbate the condition post-surgery, leading to bunion recurrence.

Types of Bunion Surgery and Their Effect on the Outcome

The type of bunion surgery performed plays a crucial role in determining the likelihood of recurrence. Procedures range from traditional methods like osteotomy, where one or two bones are cut and realigned, to minimally invasive techniques like Lapiplasty®. Each approach has its advantages and limitations. 

While traditional surgeries may provide more significant correction, they also carry a higher risk of complications and longer recovery times. On the other hand, minimally invasive techniques offer quicker recovery but may not address underlying structural issues as effectively, increasing the chances of recurrence.

The most up-to-date surgical approach, Lapiplasty®, provides a comprehensive solution to bunion correction by realigning the entire bone structure in three dimensions and has fewer problems with recurrence. Nonetheless, patients who have had Lapiplasty® may suffer other complications, such as arthritis and nerve pain.

How Your Podiatrist’s Negligence Can be to Blame

In some cases, bunion recurrence is due to no fault of the podiatrist but we often find that in some cases it can be attributed to medical negligence on the part of the treating podiatrist.  It is important to be aware that failure to inform patients about the possibility of recurrence and obtain informed consent before surgery is a form of medical negligence. 

Additionally, surgical errors, such as improper bone alignment or inadequate removal of bony protrusions, can contribute to recurrence. Postoperative care also plays a crucial role in preventing recurrence, and neglecting to provide proper guidance and follow-up care can also be considered malpractice.

Steps Our Experienced Attorney Will Take to Help Win Your Case

If your bunion has recurred after bunion surgery, Larry Karam is here to help you by:

  • Thoroughly investigating your case, including all medical records and x-rays.
  • Consulting with medical experts who will testify on your behalf
  • Filing necessary claims against individuals or institutions 
  • Engaging in strategic negotiations for a favorable out-of-court settlement
  • Representing you at trial if necessary to recover maximum compensation

Has Your Bunion Recurred After Surgery? Contact Larry Karam Today!

If you are going through the misery of a bunion recurrence after expensive, time-consuming, painful surgery, your podiatrist may be to blame. Larry will give you the best chance of proving this, in which case, you will be entitled to substantial damages to cover your medical and related costs, your lost income, and your pain and suffering. Contact The Law Firm of Lawrence M. Karam, for the excellent legal representation and strong moral support you deserve.

About the Author
Of all the different areas in medical malpractice, it is podiatry malpractice that has had a particular interest to me. With 42 years practicing law and representing hundreds of victims of malpractice, I have created a law practice in which my clients are comfortable knowing that their case is being handled with my personal attention, in the most professional manner, and without unreasonable delays.