Only 1 Percent of American Doctors Are Responsible for a Third of All Malpractice Payments

How can so few doctors be responsible for so many malpractice lawsuits? Most of us are familiar with the large number of malpractice cases in the United States. This high number is the reason that doctors in this country have to pay such tremendous fees for malpractice insurance. The cost is, of course, passed on...
Only 1 Percent of American Doctors Are Responsible for a Third of All Malpractice Payments Continue reading…

The New York Times asks “Is Surgery the only Treatment for Bunions”

The New York Times, September 2, 2014, Science Times, page D4, reports on bunions and poses the question "Is surgery the only treatment for bunions?"  The brief article reminds us that bunions are caused by a number of factors including genetic (which makes the feet more susceptible to bunion formation due to their formation...
The New York Times asks “Is Surgery the only Treatment for Bunions” Continue reading…

Running Barefoot or Not? – Podiatry Today News

An interesting article in Podiatry Today  (Vol. 27, Issue 6 - June 2014) (see "") tells us that many claims made by advocates for running barefoot are not supported by scientific studies.