Culpable Conduct Defense in Dental Malpractice Cases in NY

What is the culpable conduct defense? Dental malpractice plaintiffs will face several challenges in bringing a successful claim for injuries suffered due to a failed root canal, bad extraction, botched dental surgery, and the like.  One potential defense that plaintiffs should anticipate is the culpable conduct defense.  In some cases, a patient’s culpable conduct...
Culpable Conduct Defense in Dental Malpractice Cases in NY Continue reading…

Patient Sues Podiatrist for Malpractice After Foot Surgery Gone Wrong

What are some common foot surgery errors that lead to malpractice cases? A foot surgery patient in Cook County, Illinois has filed a malpractice action against his podiatrist, claiming the physician chose the wrong course of treatment and left the patient with ongoing pain and mobility problems.  The patient is seeking more than $50,000...
Patient Sues Podiatrist for Malpractice After Foot Surgery Gone Wrong Continue reading…

Podiatric Malpractice Lawsuit Revived by NY Appellate Court

Could my podiatrist be liable if he or she did not adequately inform me of the risks of foot surgery? While any foot surgery can be intimidating, podiatric surgery on infants is particularly frightening for the parents and children involved.  One New York family had the horrific experience of watching their infant suffer constant pain...
Podiatric Malpractice Lawsuit Revived by NY Appellate Court Continue reading…

Podiatric Malpractice Lawsuits Stemming from Misdiagnosis

When does misdiagnosis constitute podiatric malpractice? Many cases of podiatric malpractice stem from a delayed or mistaken diagnosis of a foot or ankle condition. Although misdiagnosis itself is not considered a sustainable cause for a malpractice lawsuit, an erroneous diagnosis that leads to an absence of necessary treatment, a delay in such treatment, or...
Podiatric Malpractice Lawsuits Stemming from Misdiagnosis Continue reading…

Podiatric Malpractice Cases Increase during Recent Decades

Why has there been an increase in podiatric malpractice cases in recent years? There has been a dramatic increase in the number of podiatric malpractice cases in the past 25 years. There are several reasons for this increase in litigation, including the rise in financial prosperity and the educational advancement of a large portion of...
Podiatric Malpractice Cases Increase during Recent Decades Continue reading…