Common Nursing Mistakes in Podiatry

At The Law Firm of Lawrence M. Karam, P.C., we are well aware that podiatry, like other medical disciplines, often requires more than one practitioner. Most podiatrists, apart from treating foot and ankle problems and assisting patients with chronic conditions and foot and toe maintenance, do a fair amount of podiatric surgery and somewhat invasive wound care. For this, they require nurses to assist them. 

Unfortunately, podiatric nurses, like podiatrists themselves, may make mistakes, some serious enough to be considered podiatry malpractice. If you have been a victim of a podiatric nursing error, now is the time to contact our office for a free evaluation of your case.

Services Podiatric Nurses Provide

Podiatric nurses play a crucial role in the treatment and care of patients with foot and ankle issues. They are involved in a variety of services ranging from preoperative preparation to postoperative care. Specifically, these nurses assist in surgeries such as bunionectomies, treatment of fractures, corrective surgeries for conditions like hammertoes, and in providing wound care for diabetic ulcers. 

Podiatric nurses are also frequently responsible for sanitation and sterilization of instruments and surfaces, sterilizing the surgical site,  handing the doctor appropriate tools during surgery, adjusting equipment dials, and monitoring the patient’s vital signs. Their expertise and care are vital to the patient’s recovery and the overall outcome of treatment.

Mistakes Due to Nursing Negligence

Despite their rigorous training, podiatric nurses can, and sometimes do, make mistakes that can lead to significant patient harm. Examples of nursing negligence in podiatry include:

  • Incorrect medication administration that may result in an adverse reaction if the dosage is wrong, the patient has a pre-existing condition or allergy that hasn’t been noted, or the patient is taking a contraindicated medication.
  • Incorrect assistance with anesthesia leading to breakthrough pain or overdose.
  • Improper sterilization of tools or surfaces that may result in bacterial, viral or fungal infections that may become systemic, even life-threatening.
  • Miscommunication about post-operative care instructions, which can delay healing  or cause complications.
  • Failure to properly monitor a patient’s vitals during and after surgery may lead to missing signs of distress or complications, potentially endangering the patient’s health or even prove fatal.

Who Bears Liability for Podiatric Nurses’ Mistakes?

Determining liability in cases of nursing errors in podiatry can be complex. In many instances, both the nursing staff and the podiatrist may bear responsibility, especially if the error was due to a lack of supervision or inadequate training. In some cases, the hospital or medical facility may also be liable if it failed to ensure that its employees were properly qualified or if it did not provide a safe environment for patient care.

How Our Skilled Attorney Will Prove Podiatric Nursing Negligence

Our lead attorney Larry Karam has nearly three decades of experience handling podiatry malpractice cases in New York and an impressive history of success. His approach involves a meticulous review of medical records, any necessary interviews, consultation with medical experts who will testify on your behalf, and a detailed investigation of the procedures and standards of care involved.

Contact Our Experienced Podiatric Malpractice Attorney Today

Larry’s well-honed negotiation and litigation skills, and his determination to bring you every dollar of compensation you deserve, make him a worthy advocate for your rights and a formidable opposing attorney. Contact our office now to feel the reassuring presence of a true professional. We will charge you no attorney’s fee until we recover meaningful damages.

About the Author
Of all the different areas in medical malpractice, it is podiatry malpractice that has had a particular interest to me. With 42 years practicing law and representing hundreds of victims of malpractice, I have created a law practice in which my clients are comfortable knowing that their case is being handled with my personal attention, in the most professional manner, and without unreasonable delays.