When nerve damage occurs during a seemingly routine extraction as a result of dental negligence, it is natural to feel betrayed. If you or a loved one has been through such a terrible experience in New York, now is the time to contact Lance Ehrenberg, Esq. Lance is a prominent dental malpractice attorney who has been successfully protecting the rights of victims of dental negligence for decades.
If a seemingly simple dental procedure has turned into a nightmare of pain, dysfunction, and expense, Getting in touch with Lance Ehrenberg will help to relieve your anguish. Once you get in touch with him, you will find the reassurance and validation that comes from putting this medical, legal, and financial burden in the capable hands of a true professional.
Lance will fight vigorously to bring you the just compensation you need and deserve, while you relax and recover. Not only does he have an outstanding track record of negotiated settlements and positive verdicts, he will charge you no attorney’s fee until he wins your case.
How Nerve Damage Can Occur During a Dental Extraction
Nerve damage during tooth extractions can happen in several ways. Dentists work hard to prevent these issues, but it’s helpful to know what can cause problems. Here’s a list of potential reasons for nerve damage during extractions:
- Using too much force
- Not cutting the tooth into smaller pieces
- Failing to cut surrounding bone
- Drilling or cutting in the wrong spot
- Debriding too close to the nerve
- Not protecting the nerve properly
- Pulling tissue back too far
- Breaking bones that shouldn’t be affected
Symptoms of Nerve Damage Differ Depending on Which Nerve Is Impacted
Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN)
The IAN provides sensation to the lower teeth, gums, and lower lip. Damage to this nerve can result in numbness, tingling, or pain in the lower lip, chin, and gums on the affected side.
Mental Nerve
Damage to the mental nerve, a branch of the IAN, can lead to similar symptoms, specifically affecting sensation in the lower lip and chin.
Lingual Nerve
The lingual nerve provides sensation to the tongue and floor of the mouth. Injury to this nerve can result in altered taste, numbness, tingling, or pain in the tongue and surrounding areas.
Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
In severe cases, extensive trauma during extraction may damage branches of the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is a cranial nerve that provides sensation to the face and controls motor functions like biting and chewing. Trigeminal neuralgia involves electrical pain on one side of the face brought on even by light touch, pain that may last months or become chronic.
How Nerve Damage Is Diagnosed
Diagnosing nerve damage after dental extractions requires a comprehensive evaluation, including:
Clinical Assessment
Taking a thorough medical history, performing a complete examination of your symptoms, and a testing your neurological function are all essential to assess the extent and nature of the nerve injury.
Imaging Studies
Imaging tests, such as dental X-rays, CT or MRI scan, may be used to visualize the anatomy of the affected area and identify any structural abnormalities or signs of trauma.
Nerve Conduction Studies
Electrophysiological tests such as nerve conduction studies or electromyography (EMG) may be performed to check the function and integrity of the affected nerves.
Can Nerve Damage Be Treated? Can It Ever Heal By Itself?
Treatment and prognosis of nerve damage after dental extractions vary depending on which nerve is affected and the extent of the injury. Some nerve damage can heal of its own accord, but this is a slow process, typically taking weeks to months.
Depending on the diagnosis, nerve damage may be treated with either conservative management techniques, including pain medication, physical therapy, and nerve desensitization or surgical intervention to repair or decompress the affected nerve. It should be noted, however, that surgical intervention carries some serious risk of permanent damage.
Services Lance Ehrenberg Provides to Victims of Dental Negligence
Experiencing nerve damage after a tooth extraction due to the negligence of your dentist can feel like a cruel and unusual punishment. Fortunately, Lance Ehrenberg is here to help. As soon as you become his client, he will:
- Thoroughly examine all your pertinent dental and medical records
- Interview any witnesses
- Determine liability
- Check any history of previous misconduct on the part of the defendant
- File a claim in a timely fashion
- Consult with dental/medical experts whose testimony will bolster your case
- Negotiate a fair settlement if possible
- Represent you at trial if necessary to recover maximum compensation
Contact Our Outstanding Dental Malpractice Attorney Now
When you contact Lance Ehrenberg, Esq., you can depend on his unwavering advocacy and first-rate legal representation. He understands the losses you have undergone and will do everything in his power to recover just compensation for medical and rehabilitation costs, lost income, pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life. In short, he will work tirelessly to help you regain control of your life and secure your future.