Though often overlooked, foot health is a critical aspect of overall well-being. Most podiatrists, the healthcare professionals specializing in foot care, are highly skilled and provide excellent services. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that podiatric malpractice, though rare, can lead to catastrophic outcomes. In such unfortunate circumstances, an experienced podiatry malpractice...
Category: Podiatric Malpractice

Heel Spur Surgery Failures: Reasons and Legal Considerations
No surgery is pleasant and heel spur surgery has a reputation for being particularly challenging, even if everything goes smoothly. If the podiatrist makes an error serious enough to be considered surgical malpractice during a heel spur operation, the results can be devastating. If you live in New York and believe...

Hammertoe Surgery Complications: Recognizing a Failed Procedure
Hammertoes are common toe deformities, accounting for nearly 50 percent of all forefoot surgeries. Sadly, however, that does not mean hammertoe surgeries are smooth or painless procedures. As a matter of fact, at The Law Firm of Lawrence M. Karam, P.C. we have assisted many patients who suffered severe consequences as...

Building a Case for Bunion Surgery Malpractice
Bunion surgery is never pleasant, but when complications due to the podiatrist’s negligence interfere with healing, the patient is entitled to substantial compensation. In order to receive it, however, the patient must have a strong podiatry malpractice attorney. If you live in New York and believe your extended suffering after bunion surgery...

Diabetic Ulcers and Podiatric Malpractice: Causes and Consequences
Larry Karam, founding attorney of The Law Firm of Lawrence M. Karam, P.C., has spent decades protecting the rights of New York patients who have been mistreated at the hands of a negligent or incompetent podiatrist.
One common way podiatrists fail their patients is by not properly treating

You had bunion surgery. The outcome was not what you expected. In fact, you think you are worse now than before the surgery. You asked your podiatrist what happened but you are not satisfied with her answers. Maybe you spoke to your friends and family and they urged you to speak to...

Identifying Nerve Damage after Poorly Executed Podiatric Surgery
It’s not for nothing that foot surgeries have a bad reputation. Many patients come away from foot operations dissatisfied with the results, and a fair number feel as bad or worse after surgery than they did before. Some unfortunate individuals suffer permanent injuries at the hands of a negligent or incompetent podiatrist....

How Common Foot Surgeries Can Go Terribly Wrong
No one goes into foot surgery expecting bad results. Unfortunately, some podiatric patients come away from their operation feeling worse than they did before, and a certain percentage of them are the victims of podiatry malpractice. If you live in New York and have suffered a serious complication after foot surgery due...

How to Determine if You’ve Undergone Unnecessary Podiatric Surgery
Many people complain about their foot surgeries, but not all complaints warrant malpractice lawsuits. However, if you have had podiatry surgery in New York and now realize that the procedure that caused you pain, inconvenience, and loss of income was unnecessary, it’s time to get in touch with The Law Firm of...

How Flatfoot Surgical Correction Can Result in Podiatric Malpractice
At The Law Firm of Lawrence M. Karam, P.C., we focus predominantly on podiatric malpractice, including negligence that occurs in flatfoot surgical procedures. If you have had such a procedure in New York and are now suffering a serious injury traceable to your podiatrist’s mishandling of your case, contact podiatry malpractice lawyer...