Simple Foot Pain Solutions Your Podiatrist May Not Tell You About

Simple Foot Pain Solutions Your Podiatrist May Not Tell You About

While most of us sometimes have sore or aching feet, few of us realize that we could be playing a major role in our own discomfort. While we may surmise that we are genetically predisposed to flat feet or bunions by observing our parents’ feet, many of us unwittingly engage in behavior that contributes to our own foot problems.

Too often, our podiatrists don’t bother to tell us the simple measures we could take to relieve our pain. Even worse, some of us experience podiatric malpractice, undergoing unnecessary or multiple surgeries, resulting in more, not less, pain and suffering. If you believe that you have been a victim of podiatric malpractice, it is essential that you consult with an attorney specializing in this type of litigation.

Below are several ways you may be hurting your feet.  Recognizing them and making some simple lifestyle changes may help you alleviate present pain and/or prevent future suffering.

Wearing Heels that are Too High

While high heels may make calves look more attractive, they can wreak havoc with your feet. Whatever the fashion trend is — stilletos or high-heeled boots — when you consider that it is likely to lead to plantar fasciitis, bunions, and heel spurs, you may decide not to participate.

Wearing the Same Shoes Every Day

Although there are people known for their extensive shoe collections (Imelda Marcos had over 1200 pairs) some of us are so comfy in a particular pair that we wear that those shoes on a daily basis. When we wear the same shoes day after day we are wearing them out in the areas in which we need most support. For this reason, it is best to have several pairs of comfortable, supportive shoes which you rotate during the week.

Wearing Shoes that Are Too Old or Worn

Many of us are practically wedded to our most comfortable shoes, which have already been well “broken in,” and are easy to put on. They may feel almost like a part of our own bodies. Shoes that are too worn, however, can alter our gait. Their worn soles distribute our weight unevenly; their stretched sides no longer provide proper support. Such defects can cause not only foot problems, but back and/or hip pain. On average, you should be replacing your shoes at least twice a year.

Wearing Shoes that Offer No Support

It has become common for both women and men to wear to wear flip flops in warm weather, not only at the beach, but while shopping or engaging in recreation. Flip flops have even become acceptable in some places of business. Other very flat,  non-supportive footwear, such as ballet slippers or moccasins, are also worn by some of us on an all-day basis. Such shoes offer no support and can be dangerous. It is all too easy to injure a foot in a flip flop or to turn an ankle while navigating in shoes that do not fasten nor offer support.

When Podiatrists Fail Us

Podiatrists who fail to inform their patients of the most basic elements of foot protection are neglecting their responsibilities, but podiatrists who prescribe treatments or surgery that damage to their patients’ feet are guilty of malpractice. While you may have caused yourself foot damage by wearing inappropriate footwear, your podiatrist should be the person you turn to for repair and relief. If instead, your podiatrist has damaged your feet, through incompetence or greed, you may deserve substantial monetary compensation. The way to find out is to get in touch with a strong podiatric malpractice attorney.

About the Author
Of all the different areas in medical malpractice, it is podiatry malpractice that has had a particular interest to me. With 42 years practicing law and representing hundreds of victims of malpractice, I have created a law practice in which my clients are comfortable knowing that their case is being handled with my personal attention, in the most professional manner, and without unreasonable delays.